Char's Sausage/Marinara/Bechamel Lasagna


  • Bechamel (3 cups milk)
  • Tomato Sauce
  • 2 lg. cans tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • leek
  • garlic
  • fresh basil
  • sm. amt. chile flakes
  • salt
  • sugar if needed
  • Keep this fairly subtle...marrying
  • flavors of bechemel etc.
  • 3 fresh Italian sausages
  • 2 fresh Spicy Italian sausage
  • Fresh Pasta
  • Parmesan Reggiano ~ 3 cups
  • Mozzerella Cheese ~ 3 cups
  • 2 large handfuls fresh basil leaves


  • 1. Make tomato sauce adding in whole bunches of basil after some cooking to infuse...
  • 2. Make Bechemel and allow to cool with wax paper or plastic wrap covering
  • 3. Cook sausage separately
  • 4. Make pasta and stretch to #6 on pasta machine; lay out and cover with plastic wrap
  • 5. Layer: Tomato sauce on bottom of large lasagna pan
  • Top with sheets of pasta to cover, cutting with scizzors to fit
  • Bechemel with Parm on top, layer with basil
  • Pasta
  • Tomato sauce, meat scattered, mozzerella
  • Pasta with the rest of the Bechemel and some Parm, layer of basil
  • Pasta with tomato sauce,rest of meat, mozz
  • Last layer of Pasta, tomato sauce, Parm and Mozz
  • This can be made with all kinds of things: mushrooms, shrimp, name it.
  • This is my basic cannot not fail recipe.


  • SERVINGS: 12
  • SOURCE: Char Z.

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Old Comments

posted over 12 years ago
Has anybody made this lasagna? Is it a big huge pan (12x18ish) or a small 8X12? I can't believe it would be small (did she do anything small?) so i'm just going to assume big!!